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Green Body Sock Front View

Sensory Body Socks - Small, Medium & Large



The body sock is a fun and alternative way of offering children an intense sensory experience. Body socks are designed for children to climb inside and stretch their arms and legs.


Once inside the children receive tactile, proprioceptive and deep pressure input- for some children this sensory input can be very calming and regulating.


What is proprioception? It the body's ability to be able to subconsciously sense where  limbs are at any given time so as to react and move accordling when required (Body awareness). Our sensory socks can also help children with spatial awareness.


Children can put their heads inside or out. Made from stretchy lycra children can see out as it is a light, breathable material. A lot of children find the enclosed feeling to be calming and regulating – it creates a safe space for the child. For others its  a great way to burn off excess energy or have a safe space relax.


Size Measurements.

Small:  Length 102 cms x  640mm wide

(Suits a 4 yrs - 6 yrs (dependant on child's height)


Medium: Length 123 cms x  660mm wide 

(Suits 7 to 10yr olds, dependant on  child's height)


Large: Length 142 cms x 740 mm  wide                                                                               

(Suits 10 yrs -  Adult dependant on height)


Material 80% Lycra 20% Spandex.



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